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  • The U.S. Constitution and Subsequent Amendments

  • Presented Verbatim in Chronological Order
  • De : Founding Fathers
  • Lu par : Andrew Heisler
  • Durée : 51 min

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Couverture de The U.S. Constitution and Subsequent Amendments

The U.S. Constitution and Subsequent Amendments

De : Founding Fathers
Lu par : Andrew Heisler
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    This is a comprehensive audio recording providing a clear and concise presentation of the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and all 27 amendments. This educational resource is ideal for individuals wanting to gain a deeper understanding of the foundational legal document that has guided the development of the United States.

    The recording begins with an accurate reading of the original text of the Constitution, including the Preamble, which establishes the purpose and guiding principles of the government. Listeners will have the opportunity to explore the intricate balance of power among the three branches of government: the legislative, executive, and judicial.

    Following the main body of the Constitution, the recording delves into the Bill of Rights, which comprises the first ten amendments. These amendments outline the fundamental freedoms and protections afforded to citizens, such as freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, and protection from unreasonable searches and seizures.

    Finally, the audio recording presents the 17 additional amendments that have been adopted since the Bill of Rights, reflecting the evolving needs and values of the United States. These amendments address various issues, such as the abolition of slavery, women's suffrage, the amendment for prohibition and it's subsequent repeal, and the establishment of the federal income tax.

    The clear and engaging narration helps make the complex language of the Constitution accessible to a wide range of audiences, including students, teachers, legal professionals, and history enthusiasts.

    Public Domain (P)2023 Historical Audiobooks

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