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Couverture de The Constitution of the Confederate States of America

The Constitution of the Confederate States of America

De : Founding Fathers
Lu par : John Riddle
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    The book containing the Constitution of the Confederate States of America serves as a pivotal historical document, encapsulating the legal and governmental framework intended to govern the Confederacy during the American Civil War (1861-1865).

    Crafted in 1861 by representatives from states that seceded from the Union, this Constitution mirrors the U.S. Constitution in many aspects but with notable divergences, particularly its explicit protection of the institution of slavery and states' rights. It outlines the structure of the Confederate government, detailing the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, while also embedding the ideologies and socio-political ethos of the Confederacy.

    This document not only sheds light on the political landscape of the time, but also offers insight into the ideological rifts that led to one of the most tumultuous and defining periods in American history.

    As a book, it serves both as a historical artifact and a tool for understanding the complexities of governance, sectionalism, and the enduring impact of these issues on the fabric of the United States.

    Public Domain (P)2024 Quill Publishing
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire

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