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Couverture de The Twelve Months of Christmas

The Twelve Months of Christmas

De : Amy Woodley
Lu par : P. J. Wood
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    Searching to find a home where she belongs, Charlotte Monroe finds herself in the small town of Noel where Christmas is celebrated year round. Upon arrival, Charlotte embraces the hope that Noel inspires, as she believes the answers to her prayers of finding her parents might actually happen. After moving in and out of foster homes and ending up in an orphanage until she was old enough to leave, Charlotte longs for a place she can call home. Yet, discouragement and disappointment become her way of life as she realizes that even St. Nick is of no help to her. Worse than losing all faith, now Charlotte must deal with a new boss who is a complete Christmas fanatic. Charlotte can only hope that he quickly realizes, as she did, that life is always the same in Noel. Nothing ever changes, and the charm of the town eventually disappears.

    Sawyer Jackson feels like a kid again as he makes the move to his new life of celebrating Christmas every day. His plan is to find a wife and start a family in the cheerful little town. He knows exactly what he is looking for in his lifetime companion, and after meeting Charlotte he can guarantee it's not her. Charlotte is irresponsible, the life of the party, unstable, and not wife material in the least. However, Sawyer feels sorry for her when he learns of her being an orphan. Sawyer sets out to help give Charlotte the one thing she has always wanted: a family.

    Will Sawyer be able to put his search for a wife on hold to pursue Charlotte's desires of finding her parents? Can Sawyer look past Charlotte's rough edges and defensive exterior to find the real her? Will Sawyer be able to accomplish this task on his own, or will he need to enlist help from the one person who knows everything?

    ©2022 Amy Woodley (P)2022 Amy Woodley

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