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Couverture de Keeping the Family Together

Keeping the Family Together

De : Hannah Miller
Lu par : P. J. Wood
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    A young Amish woman, Karen Helmuth, is torn between God’s commandment to honor her parents and her own heart’s desire. How can she obey her mother’s final request to care for her three brothers and the family farm when her heart is pulling her in a different direction?

    Karen is floundering when an older widower offers her a way out. An older wealthy widower. If she accepts his offer of marriage, she can save her brothers and the farm, but she will have to deny her growing feelings for Nicodemus Imhoff. She is at a crossroads, never dreaming that God has a plan that could fix everything.

    ©2023 Tica House Publishing LLC (P)2023 Tica House Publishing LLC

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