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Couverture de The Turning

The Turning

De : Tiffany Kahapea
Lu par : Tawny Platis
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    One day, I'm normal Mary Bates, Chicago sheriff. Living an ordinary life with my sisters. Until I wasn't.

    Now, I'm Mary Bates, part of the fated six prophesied to save mankind.

    Mysterious magical powers? Check.

    Demons hunting me and my sisters? Check.

    Epic battle with the most powerful demon ever known? Double check.

    Absolutely no idea what the hell I'm doing? Triple check!

    Mary and her sisters are forced to deal with a series of disasters and drama. Having gone through “the turning”, the sisters become the most powerful humans on Earth.

    Learning to control their new powers is the least of their worries. Mary and her sisters discover that the turning triggered a centuries-old prophecy. One that brought down the wrath of the Master to All. 

    Now, Mary and her sisters must adjust to a new life with magic, while being hunted in a series of terrifying events. To make matters worse, they must accept help from an unlikely ally to succeed in fulfilling the prophecy.

    Who will die, and who will survive? Most importantly, will they succeed?

    Find out how the strength, courage, resilience, and tenacity of the Bates sisters play out in their funny and action-filled magical adventure.

    ©2020 Tiffany Kahapea (P)2020 Tiffany Kahapea

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