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Couverture de The Rising

The Rising

De : Tiffany Kahapea
Lu par : Claire Duncan
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    Going through the turning changed our lives forever. Inheriting magic didn’t necessarily change it for the better either. A centuries old prophecy was triggered, we were constantly chased by demons, lost our childhood home, went into hiding, and battled the most powerful demon ever known. We thought that we were done after fulfilling the prophecy. Turns out we were wrong. While adjusting to our new lives, magic was accidentally exposed and now we’re in big trouble. I have no idea how we’re going to get out of this mess.

    After the Bates sisters accidentally exposed the city of Chicago to magic, all hell breaks loose. They learn that there are magic users all over the world but are in hiding. To make matters worse, their magic is the most revered magic there is and must lead the magical race. Now the sister's must navigate this new world of magic while keeping the peace between magic users and humans. But all is not what is seems. There are magic users that want to come out of hiding now that magics been exposed. More attempts at exposing magic keep occurring and it’s getting harder and harder to cover up. Tensions keep growing as rogue magic users keep causing more problems than the sisters can handle. Just when the sister’s start get things under control, the unthinkable happens and there’s no coming back.

    Join Mary and her sisters in book two: The Rising as they discover a magical world that’s existed alongside them all their lives. The journey to keeping magic a secret and peace between magic users and humans is a long and arduous one. The sister’s will face some very difficult challenges that will force them to make difficult decisions. Will they succeed in keeping magic hidden or will the world descend into chaos? Follow them on their action filled magical adventure.

    ©2020 Tiffany Kahapea (P)2020 Tiffany Kahapea

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