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Couverture de The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus

The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus

De : Christopher Marlowe
Lu par : full cast
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    For this recording of Christopher Marlowe's ground-breaking drama about death and damnation, a special version of the text, which is a selective conflation of the folios of 1604 and 1616, has been used.

    Performed by members of the Online Stage.

    Chorus - Elizabeth Klett
    Faustus - Peter Tucker
    Mephistophilis - Ron Altman
    Wagner and Lust - Libby Stephenson
    Good Angel and the Duchess of Vanholt - Carol Box
    Evil Angel - Lucy Perry
    Valdes, Pride, the Cardinal of Lorrain and the Third Scholar - Bob Neufeld
    Cornelius, Beelzebub, First Friar and Old Man - Alan Weyman
    First Scholar, Covertousness and Ralph - Cate Barratt
    Second Scholar, Envy and Emperor Charles V - Marty Kris
    Clown, Sloth and Robin - Michele Eaton
    Lucifer, Second Friar and the Duke of Vanholt - Joseph Tabler
    Wrath, the Pope and Vintner - Phil Benson
    Beth Thomas as Gluttony, Third Friar and a Knight
    Stage directions read by Denis Daly

    © Voices of Today 2015

    Public Domain (P)2015 Denis Daly

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