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  • The Tarot Blueprint

  • Learn How Every Card Relates to the Journey of Life, a Reference Manual for the Tarot Blueprint Deck
  • De : Mati H. Fuller
  • Lu par : Mati H. Fuller
  • Durée : 5 h et 7 min

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The Tarot Blueprint

De : Mati H. Fuller
Lu par : Mati H. Fuller
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    The Tarot Blueprint was given to me as a channeled message from spirit. In a flash of a second, the whole concept was in my head, and I felt so excited I almost couldn’t contain myself. While the adrenaline was pumping through my veins, I jumped out of bed and rushed over to my tarot cards to see if the concept was going to work for all the cards, and it did! 

    Every card in the deck was describing some part of the journey, and it instantly struck me that the tarot isn't just about the fool's journey. The tarot actually covers every aspect of life, like an incredible blueprint of the human journey from cradle to grave! 

    The words flowed so effortlessly that I wrote the whole book in about a week because I felt such a strong urge to share this work with the world! Connecting the tarot with the chakras has never been done quite like this before, and learning the cards from this perspective requires no memorization whatsoever. 

    The meanings of the cards are written as a story, which makes it perfect as an audiobook. By the time you are done with the book, you will understand each and every card in the deck in a way that will make it possible for you to give people deep and meaningful readings. The book can benefit beginners of tarot as well as professionals, for this is a unique perspective that you won’t find in any other book. It is a truth that needed to be told. 

    So keep listening, and the secrets will be revealed….

    ©2018 Mati H. Fuller (P)2022 Mati H. Fuller

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