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Couverture de Journey of Awakening

Journey of Awakening

De : Mati Fuller
Lu par : Mati H Fuller
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    My aunt recently asked me: “Why did you choose a journey of awakening when you could have been a doctor living a life of physical abundance and ease?” The answer was easy–because awakening was more important to me.

    I wanted to live a rich life, rather than a life of riches. The purpose of my life was to live, love, learn, and expand in consciousness, and to share my newfound wisdom and understanding with other seekers of truth. While this may look foolish to people who are still motivated by money and power, I am not concerned with their judgment. I am here to shine the light where light needs to be shone, and to show you the truth as I have seen it through an open heart and a mind willing to learn. And while the experience was raw and intense, the outcome was one of total transformation taking me beyond my wildest imagination.

    Was it worth my while? That is for me to know, and for you to find out. If you join me on this journey of awakening, I’ll show you how to step out of your logical universe into my magical one. It is easier than you think....

    ©2023 Mati H Fuller (P)2023 Mati H Fuller

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