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Couverture de The South Beach Diet

The South Beach Diet

De : Arthur Agatston MD
Lu par : Arthur Agatston MD
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    For years, cardiologist Arthur Agatston, MD, urged his patients to lose weight for the sake of their hearts, but every diet was too hard to follow or its restrictions were too harsh. Some were downright dangerous. Nobody seemed to be able to stick with low-fat regimens for any length of time. And a diet is useless if you can't stick with it.

    So Dr. Agatston developed his own. The South Beach diet isn't complicated, and it doesn't require that you go hungry. You'll enjoy normal-size helpings of meat, poultry, and fish. You'll also eat eggs, cheese, nuts, and vegetables. Snacks are required. You'll learn to avoid the bad carbs, like white flour, white sugar, and baked potatoes. Best of all, you'll lose that stubborn belly fat first!

    Dr. Agatston's diet has produced consistently dramatic results (eight to 13 pounds lost in the first two weeks!) and has become a media sensation in South Florida. Now you, too, can join the ranks of the fit and fabulous with the South Beach diet.

    ©2003 Arthur Agatston, MD (P)2004 HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.


    "One of the more appealing diet books." (Publishers Weekly)

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