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Couverture de The Ring of Fate

The Ring of Fate

De : Phillipa Vincent-Connolly
Lu par : Claire Howes
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    Follow Beth back into Tudor England. Perfect for fans of Dan Brown, Philippa Gregory, Kate Mosse, and Tom Harper.

    Can Beth undo the mistakes she made in the past....

    University student Beth Wickers found her life turned upside down when a gold cypher ring given to her by Professor Marshall, which opened up a portal to Tudor England.

    Enchanted by the Boleyn family, Beth only returned to the present day when life at Henry VIII’s court started to take a darker turn. She has just resigned herself to leaving her adventures firmly in the past, when she gets a nasty shock. It seems her time-slipping has had a disastrous affect. Anne Boleyn has been wiped from history and somehow it looks like Beth may have taken her place. Terrified that his favourite student may have changed English history forever, Professor Marshall convinces Beth to return to Anne, with the clear objective to fix her mess. Beth must make sure that Anne is the one to marry Henry VIII, but can she stop Henry VIII falling for her instead? Her captivating good-looks, twenty-first century manners, perfect skin, and beautiful green eyes, have also fascinated other courtiers, including Anne's brother, George Boleyn.

    Has Beth got what it takes to restore order to the past and return to the present unscathed? The only way to find out is to return to Tudor England once more. The Ring of Fate is the second book in the 'A Timeless Falcon Dual Timeline series', a time-slip alternative history novel with a time-traveling protagonist set between the modern day and the Tudor period.

    "This pacey and engaging novel offers a fresh perspective on a much-loved historical period. Fans of the Tudors and historical fiction will be enthralled." (Tracy Borman, historian, author, and curator of Historic Royal Palaces)

    ©2022 Phillipa Vincent-Connolly (P)2023 Claire Howes

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