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Couverture de A Turbulent Crown

A Turbulent Crown

De : Phillipa Vincent-Connolly
Lu par : Claire Howes
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    VOLUME THREE: A Turbulent Crown

    Follow the time-travelling Tudor adventures of Beth Wickers. Perfect for fans of Dan Brown, Philippa Gregory, Kate Mosse, and Tom Harper.

    Beth Wickers, back home and with the time-slip behind her, is busy preparing for her PhD. However, once again, she’s forced to return to Tudor England to rectify the history, but also to reconnect with the secret love of her life, George Boleyn. Things don’t go to plan, though, and she finds herself time-slipping to the Tower of London in 1536, where she witnesses an execution that sends her slipping back three years with an overwhelming dilemma: should she step beyond the strict warning of Professor Marshall not to meddle in the lives of the Tudors, or just keep her counsel, knowing her beloved George and dear friend Anne will go to their horrific deaths as history intends?
    Follow Beth as she witnesses the political hotbed of Tudor life around Anne Boleyn’s rise, and Henry VIII’s battle with Holy Rome.

    VOLUME ONE: The Anne Boleyn Cypher
    VOLUME TWO: The Ring of Fate
    VOLUME THREE: A Turbulent Crown

    ©2023 Phillipa Vincent-Connolly (P)2024 Phillipa Vincent-Connolly Author Ltd


    Love history? Then lose yourself in time with this intelligent, fast-paced, witty, and immersive story' - Dr Janina Ramirez, Oxford Academic HMC, BBC documentary maker (arts & History), writer (kids & factual); President Gloucester History Festival.

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