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Couverture de The Rebel in Violet

The Rebel in Violet

De : Hannah R. Lyon
Lu par : Nick Sandys, Patrice Egleston
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    Narrated by Audiofile Earphones Award winner Nick Sandys.

    “A beautiful tapestry of adventure and intrigue. A debut novel that you can’t put down.” (Finn O’Malley, best-selling author of Keeper of the Elements)

    “I couldn’t put the book down! It pulled me into a world of intrigue and wonderment.” (Deborah Wiener, senior board member of the Quickscrews International Corporation)

    “This story shines brightly in the fantasy realm!” (Woody Woodward, author, international speaker, and coach)

    “Reading The Rebel in Violet was like a voyage for my mind.” (Sophie Roumeas, mindful therapist, best-selling anthology author)

    “This book a powerful escape from reality.” (Jacob Cooper, LCSW, CH, RMT)

    “I was delighted to find a combination of engrossing worldbuilding and amazing female empowerment in this book.” (Nancy Mills, energy artist,

    “Full of surprising twists and turns, it kept me guessing until the very end.” (Tiffani Freckleton, best-selling author of My NICU Story: Written with Love and Letters to a Future Nurse)

    “In a time when many people are searching for meaning and purpose, ‘The Rebel in Violet’ offers a powerful message of hope and inspiration.” (Jeffery Olsen, best-selling author of Knowing and Where Are You?)

    “It is an epic adventure with heartfelt connection that is worth diving right into.” (Trevor Farnes, CEO and cofounder of MTNOPS)

    “Exquisitely written, Hannah Lyon is a master storyteller.” (Maureen Ryan Blake, TV host of Maureen Ryan Blake Media Productions, international best-selling author of Step into Your Brilliant Purpose)

    Amongst bloody magical runes, vicious military men, and lies buried in the past awaits the dream of a place free of fear and oppression. How can the rebel leader fight for what he feels is right without becoming a monster himself? And how can a single mother recognize her worth and finally own her voice above the chaos? Is the uncovering of forbidden magic worth the risk? Is true freedom really possible?

    ©2023 Hannah Rose Lyon (P)2023 Hannah Rose Lyon

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