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Couverture de The Strings of Fate

The Strings of Fate

De : Hannah R. Lyon
Lu par : Nick Sandys, Patrice Egleston
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    Narrated by Audiofile Award Winner, Nick Sandys.

    The rebellion rising in Rhethos just got more complicated. When Will unexpectedly takes control of a towne still loyal to The Bradford, he is forced to choose between slaughtering those who oppose him and somehow turning Lorington’s rulers to his cause. The vicious Rhethosian Captain and his army are marching north, the rebel’s supplies have been destroyed, and a new complication creates a rift between Will and his estranged daughter. When an ancient form of magic calls to her from beneath Lorington’s streets, Devaki has the very core of her faith questioned. Finding her place in the fight for freedom and following her Mother may prove she has to sacrifice everything.

    As Josh’s connection with Cybarys grows, outside forces from his past cause unexpected chaos. Josh finds that the Goddess has prophetic plans for him that can either save or destroy more than just Will’s rebellion . . . if he can unquestioningly obey her. Angelyn delves into the way women have been generationally abused, realizing that teaching them to own their voices holds great power. No matter how hard Will tries to avoid the Goddess, he finds that Cybarys is involved in his fight for freedom. When pieces of both kingdoms’ histories are exposed as lies, he risks losing his child whom he’s desperately prepared himself to meet for sixteen years.

    With his deepening relationship with Angelyn, Will knows that Rhethos deserves better than another monster as its ruler. Can he make the right choices and keep the love of those he holds most dear?

    ©2024 Hannah R. Lyon (P)2024 Hannah R. Lyon

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