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Couverture de The Priest's Assassin

The Priest's Assassin

De : V.C. Willis
Lu par : Ken B Erotic
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    The Prince of Bloodeaters has risen, but at what price will it cost? Will his soul and love be broken before mastering his drive for blood? In fear of Falco's back up plan, Dante and John will join Princess Sonja and Royal Knight Valiente back to Captiva City. They plan on proposing a peace treaty with King Regius and search for answers about the origin of Soul Weapons. Escorted by the Master Assassin Red Wine, Dante discovers family secrets he didn't expect to come forth. No longer satisfied as being John's shield, Dante trains with Red Wine to become not only a deadly assassin, but in order to master the art of fighting in the way his brother Ashton had once done.

    Finding out the missing links to everyone in his life and those who came before, Dante needs to be willing to take up his crown in order to protect John. John believes those answers might be hidden in the catacomb library under The Church's cathedral. As the journey unfolds, he is guilt stricken with the changes and struggles Dante endures. Hellbent on supporting his love at any costs, he’s willing to put his life on the line to protect Dante. He sees the hunger in his eyes, sees how broken he returns from training, and from a distance watches helpless wondering how far will Dante go without his help.

    Travelling proves difficult with hired mercenaries left in Falco’s wake, Fallen Arbor taking up interest in capturing Dante, and the Berserk Brigade looking to cash in on the bounty on their heads. Meanwhile, their relationship grows in unexpected ways and both struggle to keep their intimate desires hidden from the enemies who may take advantage. This book is a great jump on a refreshing male male romance with fantasy elements. Swords, knights, vampires, plague, moody steeds, and more add to the center romance of two broody men madly in love with one another.

    ©2021 V.C. Willis (P)2022 V.C Willis

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