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Couverture de Romasanta: Father of Werewolves

Romasanta: Father of Werewolves

De : Valerie Willis
Lu par : Ken B Erotic
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    Discover an Alpha Male responsible for the birth of all Werewolves and Vampires in this Dark Fantasy Paranormal Romance that combines Mythology, History, and Fiction at its best!

    Romasanta finds himself a cursed man and struggles with his internal demon, literally. All his troubles start with a stone, and after that, he will be losing everything he's ever loved. Faced with clinging on to what little humanity he has, he will lose it many times before reaching the end of his journey.

    His life's tale will take you through time to see how every lore, every moment in history tied in with wolves, all comes back to him. They call him the Ancient One, others simply refer to him as the Father of Werewolves, but we know him by his name, Romasanta. Many battles will be fought before he gets closer to his goals, but will he be ready to finish what was asked of him at the very beginning of his horrible fate?

    Will he be able to return the Eye of Gaea and free the love of his life from the laurel tree in the Black Forest?

    ©2020 Valerie Willis (P)2021 Valerie Willis

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