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Couverture de The Plays We Fake

The Plays We Fake

De : Brooke O'Brien
Lu par : Lee Samuels, Stefanie Kay
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    I've heard the rumors about the football players in our small town. Trouble always has a way of finding them, and girls can't get enough of their wild ways.

    Hayes Carver has the bad-boy reputation down to go with his scoring records and good looks.

    Everything changed after the game that destroyed his image and painted him as a dirty player. From the press and social media to his coach and teammates, the pressure is building, and he can't seem to escape the constant scrutiny.

    When his limits are tested, Hayes turns to me for a way out. He proposes that I play along as his fake girlfriend in hopes it changes the narrative and takes the pressure off him.

    The rules are set in stone. Faking a relationship with him won't be easy, and falling for him is out of the question. Yet the more time we spend together, the more the lines between what's real and fake begin to blur.

    Hayes needs me to help save his reputation, but to do it, I'll have to risk my heart.

    USA Today bestselling author Brooke O'Brien returns to Braysen University in this fake dating, opposites attract standalone romance. The Plays We Fake features fake dating, sports/football, opposites attract, a cinnamon roll hero with a bad reputation, and a virgin spicy romance reader/aspiring author heroine.

    ©2024 Brooke O'Brien (P)2024 Podium Audio

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