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Couverture de Charming Deception

Charming Deception

De : Jaine Diamond
Lu par : Victoria Connolly, Lee Samuels
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    A steamy, one bed, fake fiancé standalone romance from Amazon Top 50 bestselling author Jaine Diamond.

    When my brother’s best friend proposes we get engaged, I’m a fool to say yes.

    It’s a fake engagement, because men like Jameson Vance don’t fall in love with women like me.

    He’s a gorgeous billionaire, a marketing genius and a playboy, and he’s only getting engaged to please his family.
    I’m an introverted writer, just trying to start my life over, and I’d rather mingle with the rose bushes in his garden than fall in love again.

    But when we share a bed, our sizzling chemistry blurs the line between fake and real. And when Jameson turns on the charm, I can’t help melting from his growly whispers of “my wife.”

    When he won’t follow through on the explosive tension between us, though, I realize there’s so much more to this fake engagement than meets the eye. Because my fiancé is keeping one hell of a secret from me.

    I know I’d be crazy to trust him with my heart.
    But by the time I finally feel his searing touch, I know I’m already falling for his charming deception.

    Fake fiancé
    Only one bed
    Alpha cinnamon roll hero
    Brother’s best friend
    Playboy Prince Charming / Cinderella vibes
    “My wife”

    ©2024 DreamWarp Publishing Ltd. (P)2024 DreamWarp Publishing Ltd.
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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