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Couverture de The Perfect Sales Presentation

The Perfect Sales Presentation

De : Robert L. Shook
Lu par : Buck Rodgers, Mary Kay Ash
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    Great salespeople are made, not born. Now you can learn how to get the winning edge in the art of selling from America's 5 best sales professionals: Martin Shafiroff, the world's #1 stockbroker; Bettye C. Hardeman, America's #1 residential real-estate agent; Joe Gandolfo, the world's #1 life insurance agent; Mary Kay Ash, founder and chairman of Mary Kay Cosmetics, Inc.; and Buck Rodgers, IBM's legendary super-salesman.

    First, follow fictitious salesman Michael Baker step-by-step through the essential stages of a successful, detailed sales presentation from preparing for the presentation and getting past the gatekeeper on the telephone to overcoming objections and closing the sale. Then, the 5 super-salespeople speak candidly about their own experiences and the secrets of their success. Among the topics discussed are how to make a cold call, how to control tone of voice and appearance, how to get on a first-name basis with the decision-maker, and how seasoned professionals deal with rejection. This is truly a must-have reference and inspiration for anyone who wants to sell anything.

    ©1987 Robert L. Shook (P)1987 Bantam Audio Publishing, A Division of Random House, Inc.

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