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  • The Ottoman Empire

  • An Enthralling Guide to One of the Mightiest and Longest-Lasting Dynasties in World History
  • De : Billy Wellman
  • Lu par : Jay Herbert
  • Durée : 3 h et 59 min

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Couverture de The Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman Empire

De : Billy Wellman
Lu par : Jay Herbert
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    From a small Turkish principality to a global superpower, the Ottoman Empire’s role in world history is certainly undeniable.

    For over six centuries, the empire was arguably the world’s strongest Muslim empire, dominating its rivals in Europe and Asia for many years.

    Spanning three continents and controlling lands in the Balkans, the Caucasus, Crimea, Anatolia, the Middle East, the Levant, Egypt, and North Africa, the Ottoman Empire was one of the most menacing powers at the height of its power in the 16th century. It was feared by other great empires of Europe. But how exactly did the Ottomans achieve this great power, and how did they lose it by the early 20th century?

    This audiobook will cover these and other important topics from the history of the Ottoman Empire.

    In this audiobook, you will discover the following:

    • The emergence of the Ottoman state under its first leader, Osman.
    • The different sultans of the empire and their reigns.
    • The fall of Constantinople and the Golden Age of the Ottoman Empire.
    • Different wars and political processes that shaped the empire’s history
    • Factors responsible for the gradual Ottoman decline.
    • The social, economic, and political policies of the empire throughout the ages.
    • The dissolution of the empire in the 20th century.
    • And much, much more!
    ©2023 Billy Wellman (P)2023 Billy Wellman

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