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  • Western and Eastern Civilizations

  • A Captivating Guide to the Pivotal Moments and Enduring Traditions of Philosophy, Religion, and Governance (Empires in History)
  • De : Captivating History
  • Lu par : Jay Herbert
  • Durée : 6 h et 30 min

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Western and Eastern Civilizations

De : Captivating History
Lu par : Jay Herbert
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    Embark on a Captivating Journey through the Epochs of Human History

    Two manuscripts in one audiobook:

    • Western Civilization: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Greek and Roman Civilizations, Christianity, Medieval Europe, and Modern Times
    • Eastern Civilization: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Chinese, Japanese, and Indian Civilizations, Buddhism, Medieval Asia, and Modern Times

    In the part Western Civilization, you will:

    • Uncover the profound impact of Greek and Roman civilizations on modern thought.
    • Delve into the symbiotic relationship between Christianity and Greek philosophy, reshaping Western intellectual discourse.
    • Trace the transformative journey from the Fall of the Western Roman Empire to the rise of a new Europe.
    • Relive the fervor of the High Middle Ages and the Crusades, a testament to the indomitable human spirit.
    • Explore the Renaissance and Reformation, eras of awakening that redefined human potential and aspiration.
    • Navigate the complex dynamics of power and influence that forged the West's path to modernity.

    In the part Eastern Civilization, you will:

    • Explore the origins and evolution of ancient Chinese, Indian, and Japanese civilizations.
    • Gain insights into the spiritual and philosophical milestones that defined Eastern thought.
    • Witness the profound influence of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Confucianism on Eastern societies.
    • Understand the impact of colonialism and imperialism and the East's journey to modernism.
    • Appreciate the interconnectedness and unique contributions of Eastern civilizations to the global cultural mosaic.

    Click the “add to cart” button to embark on this captivating journey through the annals of Western and Eastern Civilizations.

    ©2024 Captivating History (P)2024 Captivating History
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire

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