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Couverture de The One Eyed Pug

The One Eyed Pug

De : Deborah Hunt
Lu par : Donna Goldman
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    The One-Eyed Pug is based on a true story. Children and adults will fall in love with the lovely little pug, and eventually come to love the incorrigible Chewy, too! In this story, a little pug keeps hoping she will find her forever home but every time she thinks she has found it she has to move, or is adopted by a new family. Finally, she is adopted by the Barker family and believes she has finally found her forever home. Everything is perfect until the terrible horrible thing happens; a new puppy named Chewy comes to live with the family and makes the little pug's life miserable. Then one day when the two puppies are playing and finally getting along Chewy accidentally scratches the pug's eye and she has to go to the hospital. What will happen the little pug? What will happen to Chewy? You will find out when you listen to this truly intriguing tale.

    ©2017 Waldorf Publishing (P)2019 Waldorf Publishing
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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