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Recipes 4 Survival

De : Donna Goldman
Lu par : Donna Goldman
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    A food memoir with modern-day, picaresque-style meanderings.

    From the preface right on through each of the 13 chapters of Recipes 4 Survival: Make It on Your Own, you'll feel like you're walking and with D, a modern day picara, and you won't want to let go.

    From her "ah-ha moment" when the veteran production coordinator in the international rock and roll touring industry finds herself laid up on the futon without a job in sight to her writing, self-producing, and hosting the beloved Manhattan Neighborhood Network cult-classic cooking show, Recipes 4 Survival includes utilitarian cooking and much more.

    Each chapter is a milestone of trial and tribulation in this fiercely independent woman's life that will certainly whet your appetite for the recipes that bookend each chapter. This is a full-circle episodic journey being hailed as the foundation of a modern day picaresque novel we know you'll enjoy, where life is no bowl of cherries but you'll get out alive and you'll most likely come away with a new, cunning point of view. We have no doubt you'll be craving more - Recipes 4 Survival.

    ©2016 Donna Goldman (P)2016 Common Mode Inc

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