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Couverture de The Omen of Destruction

The Omen of Destruction

De : D.K. Hansen
Lu par : Russell Johnson
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    Conflict. Invasion. A ruined world.

    The Rot spreads like wildfire from the north and south as the connection to the Realm of Creation diminishes. It's only a matter of time before the trees, animals, and dryads will be lost to the land of Elonia and, along with them, love and compassion. If hope remains, it's in the hearts of the dryads and the three companions: Jarren, Ameida, and Sepheus.

    When a scout goes missing up north, theres only one way to find answers. But the cold and barren northlands hold dark and deadly mysteries. However, none of these things compare to the challenges in Seahaven, where the friends face flares equipped with enhanced crystals and powerful new spells.

    As an old adversary wielding the notorious great core crystal, the Blazing Heart, shows up, the real enemy is revealed—a gruesome enemy that no one, not even the dryads, had foreseen.

    Listen to book two of Quadrant of Balance and join the journey to save Elonia.

    ©2024 Nirwood Consulting (P)2024 Nirwood Consulting

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