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Couverture de Midnight Express

Midnight Express

De : J.N. Love
Lu par : Russell Johnson
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    The Midnight Express unfolds the story of Jeff Miller, an ungrateful and bitter young man living an ordinary suburban life with his family. One fateful night, an otherworldly train known as the Midnight Express mysteriously appears in his living room, visible only to him. This eerie locomotive is a force of terror and transformation, targeting those who have lost sight of the beauty in their lives.

    As Jeff boards the train, he embarks on a nightmarish journey through a series of harrowing trials that challenge his very essence. Each trial takes him to different realms of horror, where he must confront his darkest fears and deepest regrets. The Midnight Express seeks to force Jeff to appreciate the life he once took for granted, through extreme measures.

    Throughout his nightmarish odyssey, Jeff grapples with his own bitterness and negativity, while also discovering the power of gratitude, self-acceptance, and the love of his family. The story explores the thin line between the ordinary and the extraordinary, and the haunting consequences of failing to appreciate the beauty of one's existence.

    As Jeff emerges from the horrors of the Midnight Express, he is forever changed, determined to live a life filled with gratitude. The train continues its mysterious journey, seeking out others who need a stark reminder of life's wonders, with Jeff's transformation serving as a testament to its power to change lives.

    The Midnight Express: Haunting Lessons of the Soul is a dark and thrilling tale that delves into the depths of the human soul, challenging listeners to confront their own capacity for gratitude and redemption.

    ©2023 R.B. Publishers (P)2023 R.B. Publishers

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