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Couverture de The Magical Adventures of Whiskers and Wonders

The Magical Adventures of Whiskers and Wonders

De : Bragg Publishing
Lu par : Stephanie Martinez
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    The Magical Adventures of Whiskers and Wonders is ideal for children in the age range of 6 to 10 years old. The story's magical and whimsical elements, along with its emphasis on friendship and courage, make it a delightful and engaging listen for young listeners in this age group. The vocabulary and length of the book are also suitable for children who are transitioning from picture books to chapter books, allowing them to enjoy a more immersive and imaginative storytelling experience.

    Chapter Outline: "The Magical Adventures of Whiskers and Wonders"

    1. Chapter One: The Hidden Portal - Whiskers' discovery of the hidden portal in the garden.
      His curious journey to the magical world and first encounters.
    2. Chapter Two: Wonders of the Woods - Introduction of Wonders, the woodland fairy, in her enchanted forest.
      Wonders' desire for a new adventure beyond her familiar surroundings.
      Whiskers and Wonders' first meeting and their initial impressions of each other.
    3. Chapter Three: Unlikely Friendship - Whiskers and Wonders' developing friendship as they explore together.
      The differences between the cat and fairy and how they complement each other.
      Early hints of the spreading darkness in the magical world.
    ©2024 Georgia Hall (P)2024 Georgia Hall
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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