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Couverture de The Gutter Tales

The Gutter Tales

De : Bragg Publishing
Lu par : Michele DeRose MacShane
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    "The Gutter Tales: A Frog's Journey to Friendship" is a heartwarming children's story that follows the adventures of a young frog named Lily. Living in the house gutter, Lily is a curious and adventurous little frog who dreams of making friends. However, being in an unconventional environment makes it challenging for Lily to find companionship.

    "The Gutter Tales: A Frog's Journey to Friendship" is suitable for children in the age range of approximately 4 to 8 years old. The story's themes of friendship, acceptance, and adventure are well-suited for young listeners who are beginning to understand the importance of empathy and forming connections with others. The engaging and heartwarming narrative, makes it an enjoyable book for younger children and an accessible story for early listeners to explore on their own.

    Chapter 1: A Curious Frog

    • Introducing Lily, the young and curious frog living in the house gutter.
    • Describing Lily's desire to make friends and her fascination with the world beyond the gutter.

    Chapter 2: The Adventure Begins

    • Lily ventures outside the gutter for the first time, excited to explore the world.
    • Meeting different creatures along the way, like the chatty snails and clever spiders.

    Chapter 3: Lessons from Wise Old Turtles

    • Lily encounters wise old turtles who teach her about patience and the value of listening.
    • Learning from the turtles' wisdom and applying it to her journey.
    ©2023, 2024 Georgia Hall (P)2024 Georgia Hall
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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