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  • The Liberated Eater: Revised and Updated

  • Food Is Not Your Problem. Dieting Is Not Your Answer.
  • De : Cindy Landham
  • Lu par : Cindy Landham
  • Durée : 6 h et 38 min

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The Liberated Eater: Revised and Updated

De : Cindy Landham
Lu par : Cindy Landham
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    This book is for the battle weary. If you've dieted for far too long without lasting results, if you long to feel normal around food, if you're sick of thinking about this food-thing—this book is for you. You can be free.

    Free from food-preoccupation, weight-anxiety, body-hatred, rigid food rules, and using food to numb uncomfortable emotions.

    Free to eat the foods you enjoy AND live in a body you enjoy.

    Free to be consistently peaceful and balanced around food.

    This book will help you:

    • Discover why diets haven’t worked long term (it’s not YOU)

    • Have the exact steps you need to heal your relationship with food

    • Learn how to eat LESS while enjoying it a whole lot MORE

    • Confidently partner with your wise body again

    • Master powerful tools for handling any food situation—including emotional eating.

    The diet industry thrives on our deep desire to lose weight—BUT—it's promises are empty. And damaging.

    The longer we diet the more out of touch with ourselves and our bodies we become. And these symptoms don’t go away when the diet is over...we continue to have a kneejerk overreaction to food! We end up more obsessive and anxious about food, and often heavier, with each new diet.

    The good news is there is a trustworthy path—proven steps back to body-respect, relaxed food-enjoyment and self-confidence.

    You don't have to let another year go by continuing to be stuck. You can begin your journey to feeling normal around food, energetic & comfortable in your body, and free in your mind–for life!

    Cindy Landham is the perfect compassionate guide along this powerful healing journey, not only because of her experience as a certified wellness coach, but especially because her own decades-long battle with chronic dieting, bingeing & bulimia has given her a 6th sense into our struggles. Grab your earbuds and step into a lasting, liberating adventure toward home!

    ©2013, 2016 Cindy Landham (P)2024 Cindy Landham

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