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Couverture de The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound 7

The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound 7

De : Noret Flood, puddles4263
Lu par : MacLeod Andrews
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    Randidly Ghosthound is not having a good week.

    In his chest, a mad woman's bitterness pushes his Soulskill closer to an incendiary implosion. Out in the wider world of Tellus, he was ambushed by a Wight Propagator and left in a holding chamber to await a miserable fate. He has been left in darkness, with an unknown fate hanging over him.

    But even drained of Mana and Stamina, Randidly has a few tricks up his sleeve.

    After planting the seed of his escape plan, Randidly heads into his Soulskill, moving amongst the Earth Golems, the Spriggits, the Weavers, and the Monster People of his inner world. Soon he must come into conflict with Alta Bounty, who would burn the world to the ground to understand why Randidly, the host of their universe, allowed her family to die.

    Yet even after escaping, all that waits for Randidly Ghosthound is the war against the Wights. If he is to survive and protect his friends, he will need to hold the defensive line against the endless horde of the enemy.

    The Spearman of ancient Tellus myth is alive and well—having assumed the mantle of First Propagator and twisted the Second Calamity to his own ends. Now, the Spearman moves to bring his dream to light, annihilating all life on Tellus in the process.

    Book 7 of the hit LitRPG fantasy series with over 50 Million views on Royal Road.

    ©2024 Noret Flood (P)2024 Podium Audio

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