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  • The Land Flipper on Roads

  • A Beginner's Guide to the Ins and Outs of Rural Road Building for Fun and Profit
  • De : E.B. Farmer
  • Lu par : E.B. Farmer
  • Durée : 1 h et 11 min

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The Land Flipper on Roads

De : E.B. Farmer
Lu par : E.B. Farmer
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    A good road into your property can be the difference between a landlocked parcel–useful only for recreation–and an extremely valuable real estate asset. But you don't have to wait and hope for a road to come your way. You can build it yourself. Not all roads are constructed by the government or large commercial interests. Private landowners all over the country build roads to and into their own property.

    The task seems daunting. Can it even be done with my property? What kind of equipment is needed? What issues and problems should I be thinking about? How do I plan? How the heck do I even start?

    This new book by E.B. Farmer, author of The Land Flipper series, helps answer these questions and more about the process of road-building. With years of experience under his belt and in his plainspoken style, Farmer lays out the basic information you'll need to approach this method of adding massive value to your rural acreage.

    ©2022 E. B. Farmer (P)2022 E. B. Farmer

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