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  • The Land Flipper on Owner Financing

  • How to Use Seller Financing to Accrue Real Estate Notes and Generate Passive Income
  • De : E. B. Farmer
  • Lu par : E. B. Farmer
  • Durée : 1 h et 2 min

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The Land Flipper on Owner Financing

De : E. B. Farmer
Lu par : E. B. Farmer
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    Looking to get into real estate but don’t have the capital? Already in the game but can’t grow as quickly as you’d like?

    The solution may be easier than you think. In this short work, the author of The Land Flipper: Turning Dirt into Dollars covers the basics of owner financing from the perspective of both buyers and sellers.

    What is it? How does it work? What are some of the specific issues to consider when approaching an owner-financed deal?

    In an overview of three decades spent flipping land, E. B. Farmer discusses how seller financing benefits both sides of the transaction and how a bit of contractual maneuvering can be used to make difficult real estate deals happen quickly and with ease.

    What’s inside? In this book, we will discuss:

    • How to wrap notes so that you can both buy and sell using owner financing on the same flip.
    • Creating mailbox money that is 100 percent passive (after you’ve done the work upfront, that is).
    • Deedless deals like lease-purchases (aka: land contracts, rent to own, etc.) and how to manage your real estate note once it is created.
    • How to invest in such a way that you are guaranteed a 10 percent interest rate on your money with absolutely zero risk (try that with a stock broker).
    • Stories of E. B. Farmer's (our family’s collective pen name) rise as a successful land flipper (complete with multiple concrete examples).
    • And a lot more!

    Ideas and knowledge are valuable, especially in the world of real estate financing. Listen to this book, absorb this knowledge, apply these techniques…and you might be astounded at what you can pull off with your next real estate deal.

    Click download to get started on your rise to financial freedom and passive income!

    ©2017 E. B. Farmer (P)2022 E. B. Farmer

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