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Couverture de The Kid Who Had Life Stacked Against Him

The Kid Who Had Life Stacked Against Him

De : Derrick Reynolds
Lu par : Jamal West
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    Life is harder for some of us than others. This is the true story about a boy who started out life without much more than his salesmanship and his grandpa teaching him about how to be a man.

    Over the years, Derrick Reynolds grew into a man who found himself the single father of his two boys after his first wife fell into drug addiction and their marriage fell apart.

    Hear his story to find out how he went from a rough start as a kid being raised by his grandparents, through a failed marriage, to being happily married to the love of his life, Lee Nora, and became a highly successful salesman and businessman while raising their four boys together.

    Also, if you need a coach, or someone who can help motivate you or your team, please reach out via the email address listed below.

    And if you have a business and you need help increasing your profits, you can email for guidance and services today.

    ©2021 Derrick Reynolds (P)2021 Derrick Reynolds

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