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  • The Unseen Green

  • Debunking Climate Myths, Debating Rising CO2, Defining Eco-Solutions
  • De : Chris Penman
  • Lu par : Jamal West
  • Durée : 3 h et 23 min

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The Unseen Green

De : Chris Penman
Lu par : Jamal West
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    How to Navigate the Maze of Climate Change Myths and Discover the Facts.

    In a world brimming with conflicting reports and agendas, trying to understand the true impact of climate change can feel like navigating a minefield. You tune into one news channel, and you're told global warming is an existential threat; switch channels, and suddenly it's a hoax. Who do you trust when everyone seems to have an agenda?

    It’s not your fault that finding the truth feels more complicated than ever. In today’s fast-paced media environment, headlines are crafted to attract clicks rather than inform. Misinformation is rampant, and discerning fact from fiction becomes a daunting task.

    Amidst this chaos, you might feel frustrated or powerless. Perhaps you're tired of the fear-mongering or the doom-laden predictions that never come to pass. Or maybe you're just confused by the ever-changing data and how exactly it affects you and your future.

    This book steps in as your guide through the tangled narratives surrounding climate change. Without pushing an agenda, it offers a fresh perspective on hotly debated topics, helping you form your own well-informed opinions. Here’s how:- Demystify the Science: Break down complex scientific data into understandable information that cuts through the noise- Expose Misinformation: Learn how to identify and challenge the misconceptions that are all too common in the climate debate- Empower Your Choices: Gain practical insights on how you can contribute to environmental solutions in meaningful ways without succumbing to fear or pessimism.

    This is your invitation to step away from the sensationalism and equip yourself with knowledge. Start listening now and become a discerning participant in the global conversation about our planet’s future.

    ©2024 Chris C Penman (P)2024 Chris C Penman

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