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  • The Keto Diet for Beginners

  • Use Keto Diet to Maximize Your Health & Let Go Some Pounds
  • De : Katherine Bates
  • Lu par : Jelena Landman
  • Durée : 4 h et 58 min

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The Keto Diet for Beginners

De : Katherine Bates
Lu par : Jelena Landman
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    Book DescriptionWe have all heard of the Keto diet, but how does it work? Will it limit my lifestyle and is it dangerous? Any diet has the potential to be dangerous mainly because it is not being followed correctly. But with The Keto Diet for Beginners, you won't have anything to worry about.

    If you are looking for a weight loss guide that will decrease food cravings and appetite-stimulating hormones, increase calorie burning, and promote fat loss, then you need to listen to this book.

    You will learn all about ketosis, how the Keto diet supports weight loss, and how the Keto diet is used to maximize your health and lower the pounds.

    Inside The Keto Diet for Beginners, you will discover:

    why the Keto diet is for you

    what ketosis is and how the Keto diet works

    the benefits and drawbacks of the Keto diet

    how the Keto diet differs from intermittent fasting

    ways to successfully incorporate the Keto diet into your lifestyle

    …including so much more that will provide a solid understanding of what the Keto diet is to inspire you on your journey to a healthier, happier life.

    From the science and facts behind weight loss to understanding how the Keto diet has a different effect on everyone, The Keto Diet for Beginners is the perfect guide to help you lose weight and gain the confidence you need to show it off.

    ©2022 Anthonia Osho (P)2023 Anthonia Osho

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