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  • The Investor's Agent Blueprint

  • Unlock the Secret to Rapid Income Growth and Market-Proof Success for Everyday Agents
  • De : Steve Earl, Kevin Clayson
  • Lu par : Steve Earl
  • Durée : 4 h et 20 min

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The Investor's Agent Blueprint

De : Steve Earl, Kevin Clayson
Lu par : Steve Earl
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    In "Investor's Agent Blueprint," Steve Earl, founder of Done For You Real Estate USA, unveils the secrets to thriving in any market by integrating investment strategies into your real estate practice. Drawing from over 15 years of industry experience and more than 5,000 single-family investment property transactions, Steve Earl provides a comprehensive roadmap to long-term wealth and market-proof success. This book is not just about enhancing your skills; it's about changing your entire approach to focus on sustainable growth and consistent income.

    What You'll Discover: - The Moneyball Real Estate System: Step-by-step instructions for applying a unique investment strategy that emphasizes conservative, incremental growth through single-family properties. - Power of Perspective: Transform your business approach and client interactions by adopting the right mindset. - Education and Marketing Synergy: Learn how integrating education into your marketing strategy can create informed clients and lead to more successful transactions. - Mastering the Investor's Agent Role: Attract, educate, and convert prospective clients into lifelong investors with detailed processes. - Real-Life Success Stories: Discover inspiring stories of real agents and investors who have built substantial wealth and achieved financial freedom using the Moneyball system.

    This book is perfect for new agents and seasoned professionals alike, this book is a must-listen for anyone looking to expand their service offerings, increase income, and secure a market-proof career in real estate. If you're passionate about helping clients build lasting wealth through investment properties, this book is for you. Don’t miss your chance to elevate your real estate career. Click "Buy Now" to secure your copy of "Investor's Agent Blueprint" and start building a thriving, recession-proof business today!

    ©2024 Steve Earl (P)2024 Steve Earl

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