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Couverture de The Introvert’s Edge to Networking

The Introvert’s Edge to Networking

De : Matthew Pollard, Derek Lewis - contributor, Jeb Blount - foreword
Lu par : Jamie Jackson, Matthew Pollard, Jeb Blount
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    One of the biggest myths that plagues the business world today is that our ability to network depends on having the “gift-of-gab”. You don’t have to be outgoing to be successful at networking. You don’t have to become a relentless self-promoter. In fact, you don’t have to act like an extrovert at all.

    The truth is that when introverts are armed with a plan that lets them be their authentic selves, they make the best networkers.

    Matthew Pollard, an introvert himself, draws on over a decade of research and real-world examples to provide an actionable blueprint for introverted networking. A sequel to Pollard’s international bestseller The Introvert’s Edge: How the Quiet and Shy Can Outsell Anyone, this book masterfully confronts the stigma around the so-called extroverted arena of networking.

    In The Introvert’s Edge to Networking, you’ll discover how to:

    • Overcome your fear and discomfort when networking
    • Turn networking into a repeatable system
    • Leverage your innate introverted strengths
    • Target and connect with top influencers
    • Leverage the power of virtual and social networking

    The introvert’s roadmap to success doesn’t look like the extroverts, we’re different and we should embrace that.

    Whether you’re a small business owner struggling to make a living or a professional who’s hit a career plateau, The Introvert’s Edge to Networking is your path to a higher income and a rolodex of powerful connections.

    ©2021 Matthew Owen Pollard (P)2021 Thomas Nelson


    "Matthew shows introverts how to turn networking from dreadful and pointless to profitable and valuable. Best of all, I have personally experienced how Matthew lives out the words in this book. I can say wholeheartedly that if you practice what this book teaches, you will grow and serve others like never before." (Tom Ziglar, CEO of Ziglar, Inc.)

    "Matthew's guidance takes the concept of framework and standardization to the next level, offering a meaningful strategy that works in any room, for any introverted business professional." (Dr. Ivan Misner, founder of BNI and New York Times best-selling author)

    "Matthew masterfully confronts the stigma around the so-called extroverted arena of networking, demonstrating that introverts have exactly what it takes to outshine everyone else in the room." (Derek Lidow, chair of the Entrepreneurship Faculty at Princeton University)

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