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Couverture de The Grooms Wore White

The Grooms Wore White

De : Charlie Lyndhurst
Lu par : Joe Jameson
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    Even wedding planners struggle to get it right...

    Jason is the best wedding planner around, known as the Fairy Godfather to the couples whose special days he plans. But coming up against workplace prejudice is taking a toll on his love for his job.

    His mother-in-law, Mel, has just discovered her husband has been cheating on her with a younger woman. Nearing fifty, jobless and struggling, she needs to work out who she is aside from a mum and a wife, and get her life back on track.

    Meanwhile, up-tight wedding planner Harriet is struggling to find her own true love – if such a thing exists. Between liars, married men, and disastrous dates, she thinks she may never find the one. And her outdated attitude toward LGBT marriages makes her even more bitter.

    When Jason starts Extra Weddings – helping people marry whoever they like, in whatever way they want – he, Mel and Harriet find themselves coming together to help couples make memories to last a lifetime. But can they bridge their gaps, and be a unit when others need them most?

    Fans of Casey McQuiston, Abigail Mann and Beth O'Leary are invited to the most heart-warming and extravagant wedding event of the year.

    Charlie Lyndhurst is the Diversity Officer of the RNA and heavily involved in the Rainbow Chapter. Charlie previously wrote as Liam Livings, self and trade publishing gay erotic/romance novels.

    ©2022 SAGA Egmont (P)2022 SAGA Egmont
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT

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