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Couverture de The Staycation

The Staycation

De : Cressida McLaughlin
Lu par : Sarah Lambie
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    Deliciously escapist fiction from the bestselling author of the Cornish Cream Tea series.

    Travel agent Hester Monday has been keeping a secret....

    Thanks to her fear of flying, she hasn’t been on a plane in years. Now Hester wants to make a good impression on her newest client, Jake Oakenfield, who was heroically injured saving an old lady and is now laid up in a luxury hotel.

    For Jake, unable to return to New York, binge watching Netflix just won’t do. He wants Hester to invent the ultimate escape and re-create her most magical holidays abroad from the confines of his hotel room.

    As their perfect mini-breaks around the globe take on a life of their own, Hester wonders if her world of make-believe is all starting to feel just a little too real....

    ©2022 Cressida McLaughlin (P)2022 HarperCollins Publishers Limited
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance


    "A triumph. Breathlessly romantic, it sparkles with wit and genuine warmth." (Miranda Dickinson)

    "Funny, sexy and sweep-you-off-your-feet-romantic" (Zara Stoneley)

    "Bursting with [Cressida’s] trademark warmth and wit. I adored this book!" (Kirsty Greenwood)

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