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Couverture de The Golden Sequence

The Golden Sequence

De : Jonni Pollard
Lu par : Jonni Pollard
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    In a cynical age that constantly drowns us with information and conditions us to be mistrustful, the majority of us harbor a deep-seated yearning for more meaning and connection. Why is that? And how can we be truly fulfilled?

    If you feel dissatisfied with your life and helpless to make a change, you are not alone. Many people struggle to make sense of the world and find true purpose. Two decades ago, these same feelings drove Jonni Pollard to seek out a better way of being in the world. A master teacher in India introduced him to ancient Vedic practices that changed Jonni's life forever; the anxiety that had tormented him for so many years was finally replaced by a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment. Now an expert meditation teacher, Jonni's mission is to share the knowledge and techniques he has learned to help anyone reclaim their power to live a meaningful and fulfilling life. The most foundational of these lessons is what Jonni calls "the Golden Sequence".

    In The Golden Sequence, Jonni shares these eye-opening teachings with listeners from all walks of life in the hopes that more people will be able to build happier, more authentic lives. A global leader in the field of meditation and mindfulness, Jonni's programs have already helped more than 250,000 people across the world.

    ©2018 Hey Little Buddy, LLC (P)2019 Tantor

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