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Couverture de The Fascinating World of Cats

The Fascinating World of Cats

De : Sharp Minds Learning
Lu par : Jason Saffir
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    The Fascinating World of Cats is an engaging book that delves into the mysterious and captivating world of cats. Filled with a wealth of information about these enigmatic creatures, the book covers a range of interesting facts and amazing myths about cats.

    Through a combination of fascinating facts and intriguing myths, listeners will gain a deeper understanding of cats and their place in the world.

    From the origins of domesticated cats to the unique behaviors and characteristics that make them so beloved, The Fascinating World of Cats offers a comprehensive look at these amazing animals in terms of interesting facts. Whether you are a lifelong cat lover or simply curious about these fascinating creatures, this book is sure to captivate and inform.

    Inside the book:

    • Information about different breeds of cats.
    • Amazing and mind-blowing facts about cats.
    • Widely believed myths about cats.
    • A perfect gift for cat lovers.
    ©2023 Sharp Minds Learning (P)2023 Sharp Minds Learning
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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