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  • American History for Kids

  • A Captivating Guide to Major Events in US History (History for Children)
  • De : Captivating History
  • Lu par : Jason Saffir
  • Durée : 1 h et 42 min

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American History for Kids

De : Captivating History
Lu par : Jason Saffir
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    If you want to discover the captivating history of the United States of America, then keep reading…

    Howdy, partners! Get ready to travel back in time to when America was first discovered. You’ll learn all about how the United States of America was formed and the most significant events in its history. You’ll be amazed to discover all the incredible things that have shaped the United States into the culture it is today.

    Here are just a few clues about what you’ll learn:

    • Why were Native Americans called Indians?
    • Christopher Columbus wasn’t the first person to discover America!
    • What would your Native American name be?
    • The unsolved mystery of the missing first American colony.
    • Just why did the first settlers move to America?
    • How tea was responsible for the formation of the United States.
    • “The British are coming!”—or are they?
    • The formation and changes to the US Constitution.
    • How one former slave helped free hundreds of slaves.
    • What caused America to fight amongst itself during the Civil War?
    • They found how much gold during the Gold Rush?!
    • Who were the most famous gunslingers of the Wild West?
    • The incredible inventions that changed the world.
    • Did people really believe the streets of America were paved with gold?
    • What are the most significant wars the United States has fought and why?
    • Depression cake—it’s tastier than it sounds!
    • The Roaring Twenties—learn to dance the Charleston!

    This Captivating Guide contains fun facts, real-life photographs, interesting maps and images, and helpful pronunciation tips and explanations for those trickier new words. Plus, at the end of each chapter, there are fun and creative activities for you to enjoy.

    So, what are you waiting for? Let’s be captivated by the history of the United States of America!

    ©2023 Captivating History (P)2023 Captivating History
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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