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Couverture de The Essence of Somatic Art Therapy

The Essence of Somatic Art Therapy

De : Emmitta Lewis
Lu par : Juanelle Louise Holl
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    Are you feeling trapped in the grip of depression, trauma, or PTSD? 'Brushing Away Shadows' offers innovative somatic art therapy tools for therapists and individuals seeking healing. Art serves as a universal language of emotion, allowing exploration and expression beyond words. This guide provides 10 practical exercises for emotional exploration, real-life narratives of healing, and a 10-step beginner's guide to setting up a safety plan. It also addresses skepticism, self-compassion, and resilience, with scientifically backed explanations about art therapy's benefits. Therapists and educators will find tips on incorporating somatic art therapy techniques, constructing a therapeutic space at home, and managing intense emotional emergencies during sessions. Additionally, it offers strategies for transforming emotions into art, even for those who consider themselves artistically challenged. Whether dealing with trauma or seeking creative therapy, this book offers a path to healing through self-exploration and art.'

    Brushing Away Shadows' is a beacon of hope and a guide to healing and self-expression. It provides tools for emotional exploration, resilience, and self-compassion. Therapists and individuals alike will benefit from its practical exercises, narratives of healing, and strategies for incorporating somatic art therapy into daily life. By unleashing inherent creativity, even those who consider themselves "not creative" can find empowerment and understanding through art. Whether seeking healing from trauma or expanding therapeutic practices, this book offers a guiding light toward emotional exploration and healing. Click Add to Cart to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and healing through somatic art therapy.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2024 Emmitta Jane Lewis (P)2024 Emmitta Jane Lewis

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