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  • The Empath and Psychic Guide

  • A Complete Book for Discovering & Developing Your Abilities, Gifts, Emotions and Protecting Yourself from Narcissists and Energy Drainers
  • De : Emily Jones
  • Lu par : Amanda Joy
  • Durée : 2 h et 1 min

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The Empath and Psychic Guide

De : Emily Jones
Lu par : Amanda Joy
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    Do you often feel other people's energy and emotions in your body? Do you feel highly sensitive to other people’s energy? Do you feel overwhelmed and without any defense?

    If you answered “Yes” to either of these questions, there is a very high chance that you’re an empath. The good news is that you’re not alone; there are millions of people in your shoes, and being an empath is actually a gift is no death sentence. It is living reflectively as a light and productively as a gift to the world.

    In the real sense, the empath life is one every human must live. This is a masterpiece, and it is for you, whether you have figured out your empath gift or not or whether you are looking toward developing the empath gift. This audiobook contains a complete and step-by-step guide into living an empath life fully. Every chapter contains a simple and insightful approach into a journey of discovery and successful living for every empath. You can recommend it to those around you so they can learn how well to relate with and understand you better.

    In this practical and comprehensive guide for empaths, you’ll learn:

    • How to effectively safeguard your own feelings
    • How to embrace your gifts fully
    • Protecting yourself from energy vampires and other energy drainers
    • Common manipulation techniques
    • Developing your empathic gift
    • And many more

    Scroll up and click the "Buy Now" button and get started in discovering something millions of people will never have the privilege to know.

    You will thank yourself for this action you’re taking right now. See you on the other side - where knowledge will meet experience to discuss everything you need to know to develop your empathic gifts.

    ©2020 Emily Jones (P)2020 Emily Jones

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