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  • Bulletproof Lace

  • A Fictional Story of Overcoming & Empowerment - Dedicated to Victims of Domestic Violence
  • De : Chelsea Blankenship
  • Lu par : Amanda Joy
  • Durée : 7 h et 21 min

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Bulletproof Lace

De : Chelsea Blankenship
Lu par : Amanda Joy
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    Have you ever taken into consideration the things that would go through your mind before you die?

    I never thought that I least so soon in life. But given certain circumstances that I had experienced in my life recently, I started to. I began thinking about my family - my mom, dad, brother, my good friends, even my dogs, since all of these things meant the world to me. What would happen to them if anything drastic ever happened to me? What would happen to them if anything at all ever happened to me?

    There was a time where I actually took all of this into consideration. Not because I thought morbid, grotesque thoughts about my death. Not because I was debating suicide. But because I trusted people that I shouldn’t have. A point had finally come in my life where I actually took a little bit of time to reflect on the things that had gotten me into the situation that I was in.

    My name is Teague Lasser - and I’m here to tell you that you should always be careful with who you trust.

    ©2019 Chelsea Blankenship (P)2020 Chelsea Blankenship
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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