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  • The Dragon's Spellbound Alien: A Nocturne Falls Universe Story

  • De : Fiona Roarke
  • Lu par : B.J. Harrison
  • Durée : 3 h et 38 min

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Couverture de The Dragon's Spellbound Alien: A Nocturne Falls Universe Story

The Dragon's Spellbound Alien: A Nocturne Falls Universe Story

De : Fiona Roarke
Lu par : B.J. Harrison
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    Bianca Forrester may be a mind-reading alien from Alpha-Prime, but she’s an Arkansas girl at heart who leaps at the chance to work as a psychic in Nocturne Falls. The Halloween-themed Georgia town is the perfect cover for werewolves, gargoyles and, lately, aliens looking to stay under the human radar. Not only will it be an adventure, it’s the perfect place to dodge her mother’s matrimony mania. 

    Half-human, half-dragon shifter Warrick Hart has never forgotten the fear and loathing he faced as a child in Europe when superstitious humans and human-hating supernaturals chased his family from town to town - until they landed in the haven that is Nocturne Falls. The lingering trauma has made Warrick wary of most relationships, despite his mother’s pleas for grandchildren.

    Bianca doesn’t believe in love at first sight. Warrick would never trust a woman with his heart. But Nocturne Falls is a place where never becomes now and beliefs can change on a spell.

    ©2018 Kristen Painter (P)2018 Kristen Painter

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