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Couverture de The Past She Couldn't Escape: Books 1-6 Complete Series

The Past She Couldn't Escape: Books 1-6 Complete Series

De : Fiona Roarke
Lu par : B.J. Harrison
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    Sabrina Morgan has learned not to rely on anyone. Her reputation for being a strong-willed woman with no time for men and romance has been well-earned. So has her record as her squad’s lead bomb tech. She has never come up against a device she couldn’t diffuse. Until now. 

    Firefighter Jake Donovan can’t believe his luck when the notoriously unattainable Blonde Bomber runs into his arms. He’s not easy to scare off - after all, it’s his job to rush in where others fear to tread. 

    Sabrina knows better than to risk her wary heart. She should be paying attention to the psychotic bomber who is determined to make her play a very dangerous game. If she doesn’t figure out what makes the bomber tick, she’ll lose more than her life. 

    Book One

    Sabrina’s professional reputation takes a hit when a crafty bomber foils her skills. Worse, a sexy firefighter she should have nothing to do with learns one of her most guarded secrets 

    Book Two

    As things heat up between Sabrina and Jake, she struggles to keep her focus on finding the bomber. The investigation turns up an unexpected connection to Sabrina’s past. 

    Book Three

    The Mad Bomber ups the stakes while Sabrina and her team delve into her past in their search for answers. Her professional life under threat, Sabrina finds it hard to resist a very determined Jake. 

    Book Four

    Facing threats on a number of fronts, Sabrina’s determination to keep her heart from Jake weakens. Guilt over her biggest secret plagues Sabrina as the Mad Bomber’s vendetta rages. 

    Book Five 

    Evidence gathered from a twenty-three-year-old crime scene give Sabrina and her team new leads that bring them closer to the Mad Bomber, whose motivations continue to be a mystery. 

    Book Six 

    Sabrina struggles to cope with a shocking revelation in her personal life while the Mad Bomber closes in, determined to end their game with a blast. 

    Author's note: Reimagined. Reconfigured. Rereleased.

    ©2020 Laura Freeman (P)2021 Laura Freeman

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