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Couverture de The Door of No Return

The Door of No Return

De : Kwame Alexander
Lu par : Kobna Holdbrook-Smith
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    Dreams are today’s answers for tomorrow’s questions.

    Eleven-year-old Kofi Offin has dreams of water, of its urgent whisper that beckons with promises and secrets. He has heard the call on the banks of Upper Kwanta, West Africa, where he lives. He loves these things above all else: his family, the fireside tales of his father’s father, a girl named Ama, and, of course, swimming. But when the unthinkable – a sudden death – occurs during a festival between rival villages, Kofi ends up in a fight for his life. What happens next will send him on a harrowing journey across land and sea, and away from everything he loves. Yet Kofi’s dreams may be the key to his freedom …

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2023 Copyright Kwame Alexander. (P)2022 Hachette Audio


    'Absolutely spellbinding: Kwame Alexander weaves together storytelling, poetry, music and history like no one else can. An unforgettable journey to be treasured and shared across generations.' (Rick Riordan, New York Times bestselling author of the Percy Jackson series)
    'Alexander turns the nightmare of the past into an epic story for all times and all people. The Door of No Return is a breathtaking, heartbreaking triumph and an instant classic.' (Lev Grossman, New York Times bestselling author of The Magicians)
    'As I read The Door of No Return I kept thinking about how transformative it would have been to have had a book like this when I was young. This novel moves a devastating history beyond the realm of abstraction and fills our imaginations with characters who laugh, cry, love, learn, worry, and wonder. I will be thinking about this book for a long time. Kwame Alexander has given us a gift.' (Clint Smith, #1 New York Times bestselling author of How the Word Is Passed)
    'A riveting, not-to-be-missed trilogy opener that will leave readers invested in what is to come.' (Kirkus Reviews, starred review)
    'Alexander weaves a breathtaking tale that is ripe with the juxtaposing emotions that come with any coming-of-age story. Through Alexander’s verse, readers are reminded of the beauty and unbounded richness that Ghana and her people have to offer … Alexander has written a masterpiece, one that powerfully and truthfully gives agency to the Black voices of the past. Profound and important reading.' (Booklist, starred review)

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