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Couverture de Safiyyah's War

Safiyyah's War

De : Hiba Noor Khan
Lu par : Shala Nyx
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    Inspired by the true story of how the Grand Mosque of Paris saved the lives of hundreds of Jews during World War II, Hiba Noor Khan weaves a breathtaking tale of suspense, compassion, and courage, starring an extraordinary young heroine listeners will never forget.

    Safiyyah loathes the brutal Nazi occupation of Paris, even though her Muslim identity keeps her safe—or, at least, safer than her Jewish neighbors. Violence lurks in the streets, her best friend has fled, and even her place of refuge—the library—has turned shadowy and confusing, as the invaders fear the power of books.

    Safiyyah longs to fight back and hates feeling powerless to help her Jewish friends. Worse yet, her father—who taught her to always do the right thing—is acting strangely and doing nothing to help them either.

    Or is he?

    Unravelling the mystery of her father’s odd behavior draws Safiyyah deep in the heart of the perilous underground resistance to the Nazis, where her bravery is put to the ultimate test…

    Supplemental enhancement PDF accompanies the audiobook.

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    ©2024 Hiba Noor Khan (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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