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  • The Cyber Blueprint

  • Quickly Learn How to Become a Cybersecurity Specialist, Develop the Skills Needed for Immediate Employment, and Create a Road Map for a Lucrative Career
  • De : André Edmond
  • Lu par : Scotty Kwas
  • Durée : 5 h et 51 min

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The Cyber Blueprint

De : André Edmond
Lu par : Scotty Kwas
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    Unlock Your Potential and Go from Novice to Cybersecurity Ninja in No Time

    Are you standing at the crossroads, yearning to break into the captivating realm of cybersecurity, yet feelings lost in the maze of uncertainty? The beacon of your transformation awaits within these pages.

    Have you been struggling to find a guide that explains how to get started in cybersecurity? Does your lack of experience make it difficult to get your first job? The path to cybersecurity excellent can be daunting, especially when you're left to navigate it alone. Countless individuals harbor the same ambition as you, yet they grapple with the same pain points. The lack of a guiding hand leaves them stranded, not knowing which doors to knock on or which paths to tread.

    Introducing The Cyber Blueprint: Building Your Foundation for a Lucrative Career. Imagine a journey where every step is paved with guidance, every challenge transformed into an opportunity, and every doubt dissolved by unwavering clarity.

    Andre, your mentor on this transformative journey, once stood precisely where you stand now. From a humble beginning to the Help desk, he forged his path through the cybersecurity cosmos. Today, he's a luminary with over 15 years of trailblazing experience, backed by a plethora of industry certifications and a masters degree. His footprints grace the corridors of Dell Technologies, Mercedes Benz, Visa, Verizon, and Equifax-giants that recognized his expertise.

    His voyage wasn't devoid of challenges; it was sculpted by them. And now, his mission is to make your journey smoother. This book encapsulates his wisdom, offering insights into diverse cybersecurity domains, illuminating various career trajectories, and unveiling a transformative approach to gaining practical experience.

    ©2024 Andre Edmond (P)2024 Andre Edmond

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