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  • The Ten-Ten-Ten Blueprint

  • Craft Your Life with Strategic Precision
  • De : Kurt Schmidt
  • Lu par : Scotty Kwas
  • Durée : 3 h et 47 min

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The Ten-Ten-Ten Blueprint

De : Kurt Schmidt
Lu par : Scotty Kwas
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    Embark on a Transformative Journey with The TEN-TEN-TEN Blueprint

    What if you could map out the next decade of your life and career, ensuring each step resonated deeply with your personal values? "The TEN-TEN-TEN Blueprint: Unlocking Your Potential with Values-Driven Goals" offers a powerful, practical guide to forging your future your way.

    Crafted by a seasoned expert in personal development, this book provides a step-by-step framework to help you envision, plan, and achieve a future where your personal and professional lives are not just successful but are a true reflection of your innermost values. Whether you want to make a career change, elevate your current path, or simply gain more fulfillment in life, this blueprint is your foundation.

    Inside, You’ll Discover:

    • Proven Strategies for aligning your daily actions with your long-term vision.
    • Engaging Exercises that bring your values to the forefront of every decision.
    • Inspirational Stories of individuals who transformed their lives using the TEN-TEN-TEN method.
    • Practical Tools to create lasting change and keep you motivated along the way.

    The TEN-TEN-TEN Blueprint is more than a book; it's a mentor, a planner, and a catalyst for a life designed by you, for you. Whether you are at a career crossroads or searching for a more profound sense of purpose, this guide will equip you with everything you need to make decisions that are successful and true to who you are.

    Turn your values into action. Build a future you’re proud of. Start today with The TEN-TEN-TEN Blueprint.

    ©2024 Kurt A. Schmidt (P)2024 Kurt A. Schmidt

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